1·Therefore create an on-line barter trade transaction system have a very vital practical significance.
2·Riley also has been working to complete a sign-and-trade transaction to help Bosh receive a larger overall package.
3·Under this kind of new situation, the international trade transaction structure also comes under the unprecedented influence.
4·Acorrding to the information from this customer, Which mode or modes of transport would you recommend the client use for this international trade transaction?
5·According to the World trade Organization the average international trade transaction involves: 20-30 different parties, 40 documents, 200 data elements (30 of which are repeated at least 30 times).
6·The JDBC code in Listing 1 includes no transaction logic, yet it persists the trade order in the TRADE table in the database.
清单 1 中的 JDBC 代码没有包含任何事务逻辑,它只是在数据库中保存 TRADE 表中的交易订单。
7·In some circumstances you might need to trade some level of performance for a slower ACID-based transaction strategy.
8·It is possible for a firm to receive payment for a trade before the seller has confirmed the transaction to the buyer.
9·The transaction, the largest single cocoa trade in 14 years, has sent the price of cocoa beans to the highest level since 1977.
10·Get the trade order without starting a transaction.